Northern Virginia Indian Wedding of Meena and Venk at the Sunset Crest Manor
She sat down on her couch with a glass of wine and her phone; nervous, apprehensive and intoxicated with excitement. Venk and Meena had one of their scheduled phone calls and she couldn’t wait. Meena and Venk both knew from their first phone conversation that they had met the person that they were going to […]
Surya and Prithvi’s South Indian Wedding
As the clock hit 3:30AM Surya stumbled out of bed; she was barely able to sleep due to her excitement and she knew she had a long day ahead of her. She started to get ready; her hair, makeup, and clothes it all came together slowly but surely. The realization of the day set in […]
Aman and Gurdeep’s Wedding
All wedding photographers around the world, throughout the centuries boast a sixth sense. Probably even before wedding photographer the wedding stone carvers boasted the same sixth sense. This special sixth sense honed by wedding photographers in essentially the ability to know without a shadow of a doubt that two people are perfect for each other […]
Roshni and Jay Wedding Garba
Jay walked into the New Year’s party with a little bit of a swagger, maybe it was the intoxication of the night that he felt or maybe he already knew he was about to embark on the beginning of a relationship with his future wife. Regardless, Jay was on a mission with a short timeline […]