It was the moment that changed her life; always for the better and always with Kyle by her side. Pooja and Kyle met at B school in Chicago (Business School for those not in the know) – looking for warmth (it’s cold out there). Pooja was the loving, caring, funny and ohh so sweet girl that caught Kyle’s attention instantaneously. They started out as friends, studying together even when neither of them had to, watching movies and grabbing quick bites to eat that turned into all day affairs.
Soon the meals went further and the more time they spent together the more they became infatuated with each other. Pooja loved Kyle’s smile that lit up a rom, his constant one liners and his ability to keep her perpetuated with anything at all.
And so what started out as friendship in B school blossomed into a long distance relationship after graduation where their love for each other grew ever faster and deeper. In the middle of August; Kyle took Pooja to Napa Valley and in a moment changed her life for the better. Down on one knee with a majestic background and onlookers gasping for air – Kyle asked Pooja to change his life for the better and become his wife. And as they cried and champagne flowed their lives changed for the better, together – now and forever.
Pooja and Kyle’s Rock Creek Park Engagement Session started in Washington DC and headed over to the Library of Congress and ended in Georgetown.