From time to time and as randomly as humanly possible; Neeva will break out into the personification of a seven year girl about to go to sleep while cuddled up in bed; she needs a story. It doesn’t have to be about princesses and magical frogs or fairies and pixie dust but simply a story about something she never knew. And like a seven year old girl she will sit there with a huge smile on her face fascinated by every word. I try to start talking about the 1997 New York Knicks run to an NBA Championship, but she normally stops me the minute is has to do with sports and again with her puppy dog eyes and huge smile on her face, asks for a story.
This past weekend it randomly started again, “Tell me a story. Tell me OUR story.” And as I sat there I pondered what exactly she wanted to hear? About our first date? Our ability to know each other’s thoughts (pizza…yummm)? Our trips to exotic lands (New Jersey!)? The trials and tribulations of our relationship? But no, she’s heard those stories, on repeat; like her favorite record, she loved them but wanted something new. She simply sat there and said “tell me about the time we fell in love, the exact moment in time”
Well, it’s a funny story; we went from being friends to best friends to dating to engaged within a three and a half year world spin with no decisive moment that I could count back to as the first time we were in love. Maybe it’s a guy thing or maybe it’s because we are always falling deeper in love with yesterdays love incomparable to our love today. Maybe it’s because we both love to learn something new about each other and love to fall deeper in love. Or maybe it’s simply that we forgot. But over the years the moments I love, the moments that replay in my head like my favorite record on repeat, some of my fondest memories include:
- Dragging Neeva out of bed at 2AM and driving for three hours to photograph the sun rise over the Grand Canyon
- Sneaking our own concoctions to the poolside in Puerto Rico and enjoying the pool instead of the ocean because they had cool beds we could lie on (what were we thinking?)
- Exploring Rome from dawn till dusk only to fall asleep at 9PM due to sheer exhaustion
- Teaching Neeva how to paint dry wall in a straight line
- Going to Taco Bell – repeatedly
- Finding the next best restaurant in DC
- Walking for hours on end, hand in hand just talking about everything
This is just a small snapshot, I have plenty more “stories to tell” and hundreds to still create. Happy Monday